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Assignment 4: Getting Ready for your Mentor

As a student, it is easy to approach your internship/co-op with a lackadaisical attitude but it is important that we maintain our focus, as our presence at the worksite is more important than one may think. As the intern, this experience is a wonderful opportunity to put yourself in the workforce and to use as a reference later down the line. Here are some practical tips for Success at your Internship/Co-op:

Before you Start:

-Contact your supervisor and confirm the starting date, hours and location of the intern position

-Dress properly and confirm the Office Dress Code

First Two Weeks on the Job:

-Be responsible, arrive a few minutes before your scheduled time and keep this as a habit

-Observe the environment. Find the systems, culture and norms of your office

-Talk to your co-workers, try to meet everyone at every level and get your name out there

Getting the most from your Experience:

-Show Enthusiasm and focus on a positive attitude. Be willing to lend a helping hand and always have an open mind

-Do your best work, no matter the occasion.

-Build your Portfolio, make a point to grab any achievements you gather during your internship

Leaving on a Positive Note:

-Thank your supervisor a week before your final day at the office, for the amazing opportunity

-Leave your contact info

-Send a formal thank you letter

-Complete paperwork required by the employer

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