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Assignment 5b: Professionalism (Alternate Assignment for Field Trip)

Professionalism is an integral part to success in the Business world. Professionalism will land you jobs, help you keep your job and will open doors for things like raises in your salary and promotions. This much is also true for a person's College Career, as the Business World and College World often coincide with one another.

As an Employee, based on where you work, it is important that you dress appropriately and according to your business's dress code. As a Lab Intern at Aeon Global Health, I am expected to dress in Business Casual attire. This entails pants, excluding jeans, and a polo shirt or dress shirt. This attire is integral to my success as an employee, as I have met the CEO of Aeon and a few of his Subordinates more than once. Should I not dress in an appropriate manner, I could be placed on probation or worse...

A professional attitude is also determinant in your success as a employee. As an intern we are sometimes subject to being 'talked down to', at no fault of our own. Our co-workers, intentionally or not, often treat us as if we cannot be left alone to do our work. While this may be frustrating to some, if we maintain a professional attitude we are able to see that they aren't 'hovering'. Rather, they want us to succeed and to do our best. They are making sure we are doing out best job possible and want to be there to give us guidance if need be.

Resumes are also a large part of your employment, which often determines where you start your employment or if you get the job in the first place. One prime example of this is the Honors Mentorship Program. To be accepted, there is an extensive resume/application that you must complete. Had I not had at least a decent resume, I would not working on this blog right now. Resumes give your employer a fairly good idea of how you are as an employee. Your accomplishments are weighted by your employer and the more substantial accomplishments you have, the better you come across to your employer. Your resume is yet another integral part to your success as an employee, as you can't succeed if you don't build the right foundation!

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